Grade 8
a. Quiz 5-3A/3B para mañana.
b. p. 166 (1-6) para el lunes.
c. Examen del cap. 5 el lunes también.
Grade 7
a. Country poster due Friday, Nov. 19th. Please bring your rubric.
Grade 6
a. P. 63 #7 and page 65 #9.
Example for page 65 #9. Elena es perezosa.
b. Memorize the subject pronouns in Spanish for quiz on Friday, November 19th.
tú=you (familiar)
usted= you (formal)
él= he
ella = she
nosotros = we (masculine) (plural)
nosotras = we (feminine) (plural)
*vosotros = you (masculine) (plural) familiar (Spain)
*vosotras = you (feminine) (plural) familiar (Spain)
ustedes = you (plural) formal (Spain)
ellos = they (masculine) (plural)
ellas = they (feminine) (plural)
Subject pronoun song link below.