Grade 8
a. p. 152 #21. Make sure you follow the directions. Use words from the word bank.
b. Quiz 5-2A/2B
c. Chapter 5 section 2 vocab quiz. Quizlet also due. Both due Monday the 15th.
d. -ir section of packet due Tuesday the 16th.
Grade 7
a. p. 100 (1 and 2).
b. Chapter 3 section 1 upcoming quizzes:
Col. 2 on Monday, November 15th
Col. 3 on Wednesday, November 17th ***Quizlet also due.
b. Number test on Monday, November 15th.
c. Country Poster due Friday, November 19th. Use the rubric and don´t forget to turn it in along with your poster.
Grade 6