Friday, September 18, 2020

viernes 18 de septiembre de 2020

 Grade 7

Upcoming quizzes.

a. Chapter 1 Section 3 Col. 1 on Monday, September 21.

b. Chapter 1 Section 3 Columns 2 and 3 on Wednesday, September 23rd.

c. Map test on Friday, September 25th. Locate the Spanish-speaking countries on the map and know the surrounding bodies of water such as the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, Gulf of Mexico, and the Caribbean and Mediterranean Seas.

Grade 6

a. Famous Hispanic Matching worksheet due Friday, September 25th. Google the name of the person in order to find out why the person is famous.

b. List of Spanish-speaking countries test on Friday, September 25th. Know the names of the countries in alphabetical order and know how to spell the words.

Grades 7 and 8

Use the links below to help you study for the map test and the capitals test.

Spanish-speaking Countries around the World: Study Links

Songs to help you learn the capital cities of the Spanish-speaking world. Make sure you remember the capital cities of España and Guinea Ecuatorial.

*Copy and paste the links below to help you study for the capitals test. (Capitals Rap)