Tuesday, September 8, 2020

martes 8 e septiembre de 2020

 Grade 8

a. SSC countries test on Thursday, September 10th. Know them in alphabetical order.

b. Chapter 1 sec. 2 vocab quiz on Wednesday, September 9th. That's tomorrow.

c. p. 30 #25, p. 39 #5

d. Write a sentences in Spanish stating your name, age, origin, and how you are doing.

    Ej: Me llamo_________________, Tengo ..., Soy de...., Estoy......

Grade 7B

a. p. 25 #16 due Friday, Sept. 11th.

Grades 7A and 7B

a. Chapter 1 sec. 1 col. 2 vocab quiz is tomorrow. The vocab can be found on page 45 in your Spanish textbook. Know the words from Spanish to English and English to Spanish.

b. List of SSC quiz is on Friday. September 11th. Please know them in alphabetical order.


Grades 7 and 8

You can also use the Quizlet link below to help you study for the chapter 1 sec. 1 col. 2 vocab quiz. 


All the vocab for Level 1 can be found using he link below as well.
