Grade 8
a. p. 67 # 6
b. worksheet making nouns plural in Spanish.
c. Map test on Monday, September 28th. Locate the Spanish-speaking countries on the map and know the surrounding bodies of water such as the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, Gulf of Mexico, and the Caribbean and Mediterranean Seas.
d. Hispanic Heritage Month assignment due September 30th.
Grade 7
a. Map test on Friday, September 25th. Locate the Spanish-speaking countries on the map and know the surrounding bodies of water such as the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, Gulf of Mexico, and the Caribbean and Mediterranean Seas.
b. Chapter 1 test on Monday, September 28th.
c. Hispanic Heritage Month project due Friday, October 2nd.
Grade 6
a. Famous Hispanic Matching worksheet due Friday, September 25th. Google the name of the person in order to find out why the person is famous.
b. List of Spanish-speaking countries test on Friday, September 25th. Know the names of the countries in alphabetical order and know how to spell them.
Grades 7 and 8
Use the links below to help you study for the map test and the capitals test.
Spanish-speaking Countries around the World: Study Links
Songs to help you learn the capital cities of the Spanish-speaking world. Make sure you remember the capital cities of España and Guinea Ecuatorial.
*Copy and paste the links below to help you study for the capitals test. (Capitals Rap)