Monday, November 16, 2020

lunes 16 de noviembre de 2020

Grade 8.

a. Cap. 4  sec. 2 prueba de vocabulario el miércoles.

Grade 7

a. Memorize the subject pronouns for quiz tomorrow.

b. Chapter 3 sec. 2 vocab quiz on Wednesday, Nov. 18th.

Grade 6

a. Memorize the subject pronouns in Spanish for quiz on Friday, November 20.

View the video and learn the song so it´s easier to learn.

Practice with Sr. Jordan



yo           I


nosotros (m.)        we

nosotras  (f.)          we

 tú          you

vosotros    (m.)     you 

vosotras     (f.)       you

(informal) Spain

 usted     you  (formal)

 ustedes                you  (guys)     (formal) Spain

 él               he

 ellos                    they  (m.)

 ella            she

 ellas                    they   (f.)