Grade 8
a. Quiz 5-2A-2B para el miércoles 4 de diciembre.
b. Párrafo sobre lo que haces típicamente durante la semana. p. 152 #21
b. Cap. 5 secciones 2 y 3 prueba de vocabulario el martes 10 de diciembre.
Grade 7
a. Chapter 3 sec. 1 col. 1 vocab quiz tomorrow.
Chapter 3 sec. 1 columns 2 and 3 on Friday, December 6.
b. Quiz 3-1A/1B due tomorrow.
Grade 6
a. Christmas in Spanish-speaking countries due Friday, December 13th. Please remember all the questions have to be typed and answered in complete sentences. Don't forget your illustration. Use crayons or colored pencils. No markers and be neat.