Grade 8
a. p. 58#21
b. Prueba de vocabulario del cap. 2 sec. 2 el miécoles 20 de septiembre de 2017.
Grade 7
a. p. 38 (1, 2, 3).
b. Chapter 1 sec. 1, col. 1 vocab quiz on Wednesday, September 20.
sec. 1, col. 2 vocab quiz on Friday, September 22.
sec. 1, col. 3 vocab quiz on Monday, September 25.
*The vocab for chapter 1 sections 1 , 2 , and 3 is on page 45.
c. Famous Hispanic illustration and quote due Friday, September 22nd.
Grade 6
a. p. 14 #12.
Write down the question and the answer for each one on a separate sheet of paper.
b. p. 4 (#s 3 and 4)