Wednesday, January 11, 2017

miércoles 11 de enero de 2017

Grade 8

a. Cap. 6 sec. 1 prueba de vocabulario.
b. Revista ¿Qué tal? tarea.
·         Go back to the homepage. Click on Aprendo español under Soy alumno.
·         Click on the video tab: View Vlog#2 ¡Mi nueva habitación! Watch and complete the two activities related to the video. You have a hard copy of the two activities.
*Due Thursday, January 12th. Worth 100 points. I will collect.
c. Bring a family picture. It can be from a magazine, web, or your own family.

Grade 7

a. Chapter 4 sec. 1 col. 3 vocab quiz.
b. Finish the -ar verb packet. Due Friday.

Grade 6

a. Memorize your favorite dialogue portion for oral  on Friday.