Grade 8
a. Cap. 1 sec. 1 prueba de vocabulario mañana,
b. España (pp. 401, 402, 403).
Grade 7
a. P. 38 1, 2 y 3. Write out the sentences for #1 and write the punctuation marks with a different color pen.
b. Section 1 col. 2 Wednesday, Sept. 14th.
Section 1 col. 3 Friday, Sept, 16th.
Grade 6
a. Study the Spanish alphabet for a deletreo (spelling dictation) on Wednesday, Sept, 14th.
b. Study the location of the Spanish-speaking countries for a quiz on Wednesday, Sept. 21st.
c. For Wed: Know how to respond to a greeting and how to introduce a friend to an adult or another friend.