Friday, October 6, 2017

viernes 6 de octubre de 2017

Grade 8

a. PPT due Tuesday, October 10. Remember to email it to me.
b. p. 100 (1 y 2) para el martes.
c. Cap. 33 (History of Spain) para el jueves 12 de octubre.
dExamen el jueves 12 de octubre. Mapa de los países de habla hispana.

Grade 7

a. pp. 66 and 67 (1, 3, 4)
b. Chapter 2 sec. 1 col. 2 vocab quiz on Wed., October 11th.
c.  Map test on Friday.

Grade 6

a. Vocab quiz on Wednesday, October 11th. Study the fruits, food, eating utensils, related questions and answers.

Grades 6, 7, 8

Use the links below to help you prepare for the map test.   (Copy and paste link)
(Capitals in South America)

(Capitals in Central America)

*Please note that Guinea Ecuatorial and España are not included in the song.