Wednesday, October 18, 2017

miércoles 18 de octubre de 2017

Grade 8

a. Las páginas 44 y 45 (los adjetivos para mañana).
b. Cap. 3 sec. 3 prueba (quiz) de vocabulario el lunes 23 de octubre.
c. Examen del cap. 3 el martes 24 de octubre.
d. Examen oral el lunes 30 de octubre.

Grade 7

a. Quiz 2-2A/2B due Friday.
b. Chapter 2 sec. 2 col. 2 vocab quiz on Friday.

Grade 6

a. Map test on Friday. Use the links below to help you study. Don't forget the bodies of water as well.
b. Chapter 32 Geography of Spain due on Monday not on Friday.
c. Vocab quiz on the months, days of the week and the seasons on Monday, October 23rd.   (Copy and paste link)
(Capitals in South America)

(Capitals in Central America)

*Please note that Guinea Ecuatorial and España are not included in the song.